OneHealth Platform

Built for accessibility and clarity using large language models, the OneHealth Platform analyzes and structures billions of data points to power healthcare products and services designed to improve health outcomes.

Tackling today's biggest health challenges.

Aging populations, low-quality diets, limited physical activity, tobacco use, increasing mental health issues, and negative environmental and social determinant and lifestyle factors contribute to a growing prevalence of chronic conditions around the world.

How we prevent, manage, and pay for these conditions is straining the resources of healthcare systems, limiting the time with providers, and squeezing the wallets of individuals and families.

The OneHealth Platform creates and enables pathways for building more efficient, effective, and affordable health solutions.

6 in 10

Adults in the US have a chronic disease

4 in 10

Adults in the US have two or more

$4.6 Trillion

Annual cost of healthcare for chronic disease


Time savings achieved by a pharma client using the OneHealth Platform

Unlocking evidence-backed data to empower healthier living.

OneHealth is simply the most advanced healthware ecosystem for predictive, preventive, personalized wellness. 

It integrates the complete array of physical, mental, nutritional, environmental, geographic, and social determinant and lifestyle factors that affect an individual’s health and disease susceptibility or boosts their ability to maximize health by modifying behavior. This holistic approach to data collection and integration is made possible with our proprietary algorithms, machine learning, and other processes that formulate very precise conclusions on an ongoing basis.

OneHealth’s medical science-based insights as to what you can do, or avoid, to improve your health and lengthen the “quality years” of your life are accessible anywhere, anytime, and at a cost anyone can afford.

How we do this

Our OneHealth machine learning pipeline extracts and consolidates health information from vast libraries of trusted, peer-reviewed scientific, clinical, and biomedical research, including the entire National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest biomedical library.

The total size of wellness data collected is immense, estimated at 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes  (1023 bytes) and is doubling every year. Most of this data is in siloed depositories in raw, unorganized form. The resulting matricies of data and weighted interrelationships are more complex than any human brain can integrate and evaluate. 

OneHealth has solved that problem. Our human curated AI-assisted Healthware does the hard work, structuring and analyzing all of this information as it affects each individual. It then provides simple recommendations on how to improve health, with cited evidence trails that ensure traceability. OneHealth also regularly integrates new (i.e., non-literature) datasets to increase the value of and improve recommendations delivered by our platform.

When combined with population and patient data, OneHealth delivers personalized and preventive whole person health and disease guidance at a level that has never before been possible.

The OneHealth Platform is a clear and succinct database of lifestyle factors that positively or negatively affect human health.

Let's talk.

Contact us to talk about how the OneHealth ecosystem can contribute to your goals and contribute to the health outcomes you want to deliver.

Find out how we can enhance your health services or tools.

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