Cookie Policy

This cookie policy (“Cookie Policy”) explains what cookies are and how Vydiant, Inc. (“Vydiant”, “we” or “us”) uses cookies and similar tracking technologies when you visit our websites or use our other Services. We encourage you to read the full Cookie Policy so that you can understand what information is collected using cookies and similar tracking technologies, and how Vydiant uses that information. We will generally refer to cookies, web beacons, flash cookies, and pixels collectively as “cookies” or “tracking technology” in this policy. To make it simple, we use the same terms as defined in our Privacy Statement and Terms of Service. Any new terms will be defined below. This Cookie Policy should be read together with our Privacy Statement and our Terms of Service.  

1.    What are cookies?

Cookies are text files, containing small amounts of information, which are downloaded to your browsing device (such as a computer, mobile device or smartphone) when you visit or use our website or Services. Cookies can be recognized by the website that downloaded them — or other websites that use the same cookies. This helps websites know if the browsing device has visited them before. We use cookies to deliver, secure, and understand use of our Services and ads.

There are two types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie lasts while your browser is open and is automatically deleted when you close your browser. A persistent cookie lasts until you or your browser deletes the cookies or they expire.

Cookies set by us are called “first party cookies”, while cookies set by parties other than Vydiant are called “third party cookies”. The parties that set third party cookies can recognize your device, both when you use the Services and when you use other websites or mobile apps. To understand how other companies use cookies, please review their policies. Both first party and third party cookies can serve a number of different functions, such as analytics, marketing and advertising.

2.    How does Vydiant use cookies and other tracking technology?

Like most online services, Vydiant uses cookies in order to do things like keep your Vydiant data secure, help us improve our Services, understand how you engage with web content and emails we send, and provide you with relevant advertising. You can find out more about the cookies we use in the table below.


Category of Cookies

Why We Use These Cookies

Strictly Necessary

We use these cookies to provide our Services, and to detect, prevent and mitigate security risks. For example, we use these types of cookies to help you authenticate into your account securely, or to enable you to move around this site and use its features.


We use these cookies to help you do things on our Services, remember your settings and preferences, perform analytics, and to improve your experience on our Services and help provide you with enhanced features and content. For example, these cookies can be used to remember your country selection, monitor site performance, or give you referral credits when you deserve them.


We use these cookies to deliver advertisements and to help us conduct marketing. They help us make advertising more relevant to you and your interests, and to measure efficiency of advertising communications and marketing campaigns. These cookies include cross-context behavioral and targeted advertising cookies. For example, these cookies remember that you have visited a website and this information may be shared with other organizations such as third party advertisers.


3.    How long will cookies stay on my browsing device?

The length of time a cookie will stay on your browsing device depends on whether it is a “persistent” or “session” cookie. Session cookies will only stay on your device until you stop browsing. Persistent cookies stay on your browsing device until they expire or are deleted (i.e. after you have finished browsing). The expiration time or retention period applicable to persistent cookies depends on the purpose of the cookie collection and tool used. You may be able to delete cookie data as described below.

4.    What are my privacy options?

We are committed to offering you meaningful privacy choices. If you choose to disable or opt-out of certain cookies, you may experience some loss of function or availability throughout our Service. You have a number of options to control or limit how we and third parties use cookies:

·       Via our cookie management tool. If you are located in certain jurisdictions where our cookie management tool is available, such as the European Union or the United States, you can access the tool by clicking “Cookie Settings”. Our cookie management tool allows you to make certain choices regarding cookies that are not Strictly Necessary. If you choose to disable or opt-out of any type of non-Strictly Necessary cookie, you may experience some loss of function throughout our Service. For example, you may not be able to use the referral links and get credit for referrals, or share information on our Services through social media platforms.

·       Via your browser settings. Vydiant believes in providing you with a frictionless experience by responding to Global Privacy Control (“GPC”) signals (also known as “Do Not Track” signals) sent by your browser or mobile device. You can enable a GPC signal on your browser or otherwise use the browser or device that you are using to view this site to enable, disable or delete first and third-party cookies.

·       Third Party Opt-Outs. As described in this policy, 23andMe uses cookies from third-party analytics, advertising and marketing service providers to collect information about its Services, the effectiveness of its marketing campaigns and other operations. For example, we use the User-ID feature of Google Analytics to combine behavioral information across devices and sessions (including authenticated and unauthenticated sessions) on our Services. These third parties provide users the ability to opt-out of their cookies.

Please note, to disable advertising cookies, some third parties may need to set an opt-out cookie on your device. Sometimes a device’s configuration may prevent such third parties from setting such cookies, for example, if your device is set to block all third party cookies by default. This means that you may need to change your device settings to accept cookies to fully disable advertising cookies.

5.    How does Vydiant use third party social plugins?

Vydiant uses social plugins provided and operated by third parties, such as a Facebook “share” button. If you choose to use social plugins, you may be sharing information with the company that manages the social plugins (“Social Media Third Party”) during your interactions. This means that the Social Media Third Party may be able to link information or actions about your interactions with the Vydiant Services to your account with them. Please refer to the Social Media Third Party’s privacy policies to learn more about its data practices.

6.    Will this Cookie Policy be updated?

We will update this Cookie Policy from time to time. You can also revisit this page to stay informed.

7.    Where can I learn more?

For more information, you can review the following resources:

  • If you would like to learn more about cookies, including how to change your browser settings, please visit
  • If you would like more information about cookies and targeted advertisements or to opt out of having this information used by companies that are part of the Network Advertising Initiative, please visit or the Digital Advertising Alliance, please visit

If you have any questions regarding Vydiant’s Cookie Policy please contact Vydiant by email at, Attention General Counsel.   

Effective Date: June 1, 2024

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